Federal College Work Study Program

Prospective students who qualify under the guidelines of the Federal College Work-Study Program by completing the FAFSA may be employed part-time during college and in the summer months preceding the academic year. The number of hours of employment per week is generally 15 hours per week and is determined by the financial need of each qualified student, his/her academic schedule, and the amount of other assistance they receive. Federal Work-Study funds are usually divided equally throughout the year. To receive these funds a student must work the hours allowed each month. Time sheets are submitted twice each month and the student will be paid for hours worked during that pay period. Jobs are assigned on a first come first serve basis. Most placement is done the by the first two weeks of school each semester.

Part-time Employment

Each year there are opportunities for students to find part-time employment on the campus or in the community. Part-time campus employment is the same as the Federal College Work-Study Program and is geared toward the student who does not qualify for the Federal Work-Study Program. Students should also explore the job opportunities in the community through the KCKCC Workforce, Career, and Entrepreneurial Office Office.