The principal focus of the Fire Science Program is to educate students for a career in the fire service. The program offers both an academic degree and certificate programs in Fire Science. Our mission is to center on the technical skills to develop educational experiences in fire protection as well as firefighter safety, so everyone goes home. Students are provided an innovative, up-to-date learning environment that will enable them to achieve personal, professional, and educational goals while preparing them for the workplace or for more education.

The Fire science Program has branded itself as one that has successful student achievement and retention with positive outcomes to job placement. Curriculum and certifications used in the program meet Fire and Emergency Services Higher Education (FESHE) standards and International Fire Service Accreditation Congress (IFSAC) certifications to strengthen the cognitive and manipulative levels of student learning.

Degrees & Certificates

Fire Science/Fire-Fighting AAS

The mission of the Fire Science program is to provide a venturous and progressive modern educational experience in all aspects of fire protection and safety, leading to a useful associate degree or specific educational endeavor for all students regardless of gender.
Fire Science/Fire-Fighting - Associate in Applied Science

Associate of Applied Science-2 Year Degree

Fall Semester Year 1

Fall 1 Semester
Course Number Course Name Credit Hours
BLUE 0101 Freshman Seminar 1
HZMT 0120 Hazmat Aware / Operations 3
FRSC 0100 Firefighter 1  4
FRSC 0211  Firefighter 2 3
EMTC 0105 Emergency Medical Responder 5
  Total Hours 16

Spring Semester Year 1

Spring 1 Semester
Course Number Course Name Credit Hours
EMTC 0128 Emergency Medical Technician 10
SPCH 151 OR 201 Speech / Int. Comm 3
SOSC 0107 Sociology 3

Total Hours


Fall Semester Year 2

Fall 2 Semester
Course Number Course Name Credit Hours
ENGL 0101 Composition 1 3

BUSN 0110 OR

MATH 0104

Business Math OR Inter. College Algebra

OR higher

FRSC 0101 Fundamentals of Fire Prevention 3
FRSC 0114 Fire Behavior and Combustion 3
FRSC 0116 Principles of Emergency Services 3
  Total Hours 15

Spring Semester Year 2

Spring 2 Semester
Course Number Course Name Credit Hours
PHIL 0206 Ethics 3
FRSC 0113  Building Construction  3
FRSC 0204 Principles of Fire/Emergency Services Safety & Survival  3
FRSC 0117  Fire Protection Systems  3
FRSC Elective  Select from list of electives  3
  Total Hours 15


Fire Science / Firefighter Technology Certificate

The Firefighter Technical Certificate is offered as a catalyst for students who seek employment with a fire department. This provides the student with four basic courses required by the fire service industry. At the completion of these courses, students are able to take state certifications for licensure.

Fire Science / Firefighter Technology - Certificate


Fall Semester Year 1

Fall 1 Semester
Course Number Course Name Credit Hours
BLUE 0101 Freshman Seminar 1
HZMT 0120 Hazmat Aware / Operations 3
FRSC 0100 Firefighter 1  4
FRSC 0211  Firefighter 2 3
EMTC 0105 Emergency Medical Responder 5
  Total Hours 16

Spring Semester Year 1

Spring 1 Semester
Course Number Course Name Credit Hours
EMTC 0128 Emergency Medical Technician 10

Total Hours